My first CRUDE API
My first backend project seems very hard but thanks to series of tutorials and lecture that make life easier for me. I took the first step of creating a working environment for easy accessibility. a. git environment- git init b.install all necessary dependencies e.g nodemon, mysql, cors, c. create the project files and folders
Using Restful Api, i create my Model, controller and routes folder and files.
haven done that, i create my database using Mysql, then connect it with my server
linking the model to the controller and then routes took me time to understand but it really worth it, because it makes the work easy to assess and also understandable.
i continued by writing down my APi address for each actions, i.e
- address for creating a user
- address for getting user 3.address for updating user 4.address for deleting user.
then connect it with my route
i used postman to document the project. Used jwt and bycryp to authenticate and validate the requests.
adding SMTP was stressful, i get hold of it using nodemailer npm.
i deployed the App on heroku,